Crystal Gemstones Series Gel Polish
A 18 colours palette ranging from lighter to more vivd colours of gemstones. Featuring blush jelly translucent gel that is semi-transparent, allowing your natural nail to subtly shine through and can apply more layers to achieve slightly more intensity finish. Get creative with doing Ombré Blush or Lip Stain Effect.
01 Moonstone
02 Rose Quartz
03 Morganite
04 Scapolite
05 Fluorite
06 Kunzite
07 Apatite
08 Epdidote
09 Tourmaline
10 Topaz
11 Roselite
12 Halite
13 Garnite
14 Jade
15 Jasper
16 Amethyst
17 Smoky Quartz
18 Obsidian
01 Moonstone
Shipping Information
Colour Difference